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sneak peek


Everything takes me 10000x longer these days.
Isabel is in daycare 4 days a week, but they are relatively short days. It’s nice because she and I still get lots of time together, while still giving me time to focus on work.
I’ve been working on a new pattern collection on and off since… October.  I’ve learned, since Isabel entered our lives, that things need to go at a different pace. I get frustrated sometimes because I have all these ideas and inspiration and motivation, but the time just isn’t there right now. When I feel like that, I always try to remind myself that Isabel will only be little for such a short time, so I’m trying to stay cool with a slower pace of life…
That’s not to say I’m not cramming as much into my work-time as possible!
I’m really excited about this pattern collection because it includes some pieces that outside of my normal drafting comfort zone. I’m still trying to figure out a few complicated bits and pieces for one large pattern, but I’m really getting close to a new collection!