Easier Free Downloads & New Lingerie

Lingerie, New Items, updates

One of the hardest parts of running a business for me is trying to figure out all of the behind the scenes stuff. Making lingerie is the easy part! Figuring out how to get it out to the world is hard.

I’m also terrible at outsourcing jobs that are really above my pay grade… So, I end up DIY-ing almost everything… To be honest, I like a lot of the odds and ends I get to do! The only downside is that sometimes it takes me a while to really figure it out, like the currency change I made yesterday.

This morning I worked a bit behind the scenes to streamline the download process for my free patterns. Previously, you had to go through a checkout process even for my free items which I know was super annoying. You no longer have to do this. On each free product page there are download links provided so you can simply download my free patterns and templates without checking out or creating an account. I hope this makes it easier for you to access!

I’m really trying to streamline my websites a little better. Right now everything is kind of disjointed. So that is one of my projects over the coming weeks.

Last week I finally got around to checking this off my to do list:

I’ve finally listed my floral honeybee set! I was feeling in a bit of a slump a while back and started writing back and forth to Nichola from Knickerocker.  Both of us were feeling the pinch on Etsy and feeling like we were having a hard time standing out. We decided to take on a bit of a creative challenge. We picked a theme (bees) and each designed a lingerie set around it. It was a super fun project! I decided to create a custom fabric using antique floral images and little honey bees on a polkadot background. It seemed natural to pair it with black lace. I absolutely love how this print turned out.

This shade of yellow is one that I love but never felt I could wear well. But, I felt great in this set!

You can shop all of the ‘Honey‘ pieces on Etsy (and remember, my prices are now in Canadian, not USD, so they may look a little different than what you are used to!).

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